Friday, July 30, 2010

WAA Podcast Episode 8: Bridging the Generation Gap

Welcome to another podcast episode of "What's an Adventist?"

Society, with the help of the media, often makes it seem as though the younger generation and older generation are from two different worlds and can never come to understand each other. The older generation is portrayed as “ole fashioned, “outdated” and too “close minded” to ever understand the complexities of the modern world. Meanwhile the younger generation is portrayed as “irreverent” and “unmindful” and “ungrateful” for the sacrifices made by their predecessors. Unfortunately, these sentiments have created a gap of mistrust between the young and the old. Even more disheartening is that these “worldly” attitudes have rooted themselves within Adventist churches with devastating effects.

Jesse Sias, Samuel Ikonne, and special guest Christopher Mckenzie, talk about the need for Adventist churches to get rid of these attitudes and encourage dialogue and cooperation between the young and old. Jesse, Sam, and Christopher challenge Adventist churches to be models of what can happen when young and old build trust and work together to do God’s work (click on title to hear podcast).

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