Sunday, July 25, 2010

WAA Podcast Episode 7: Where's Adventism Headed?

Welcome back to another podcast episode of "What's an Adventist?"

The GC has come and gone but what exactly did it leave behind? Well a new President of the global church for one thing and it seems some controversy as well. While some Adventists praised the President’s call to move forward at his inaugural sermon, others were left unsettled by his message. (See podcast 4 for more on GC).

This week Jesse Sias and Samuel Ikonne talk about some of the sentiments that were stirred up at the GC and give their opinion on the issues that Adventism faces moving forward. No doubt this is only the first of many of these discussions, so feel free to contribute. We might be seeing the first signs of a shaking within the Adventist church so don’t miss out on this opportunity to make your voice heard (click on title to hear podcast).

Also, Jesse and Sam make all new "shout outs" to loyal listeners and talk about the contribution that one listener gave to bring some perspective to the idea that the Adventist health message is the "right arm of the gospel."

If you would like to comment on this podcast click on the "comment" link below or look for us on facebook.

To read the articles discussed in this podcast follow the links below:

Also mentioned in this podcast: Modern Revivals, Great Controversy Chapter 27, by Ellen G. White

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