Saturday, July 23, 2011

WAA Podcast Epsiode 40: Relevant Last Words From SYC (12:44)

Welcome to another podcast episode of "What's an Adventist?"

Before we left SYC we had a chance to talk to one more guest, brother Earl Goodrich. Brother Earl grew up in the Adventist church and has been in a variety of leadership roles for many years. He has seen the challenges the church faces in being a relevant influence on young people. Brother Earl is actively involved in a project called "To be Continued" based out of Houston, TX. This project is a youth oriented ministry intent on reaching out to young people with the hopes of engaging them in genuine conversation about the issues of faith and God (click on title to listen to podcast).

On this final SYC podcast Jesse Sias and Sam Ikonne talk to brother Earl about his experiences within Adventism and explore his ideas about how churches can begin to engage today's youth.

If you would like to comment on this podcast click on the "comment" link below. You can also send us an email at or follow us on our Facebook page.

WAA would like to thank SYC for the opportunity to be a part of their ministry. Until next year!

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