Friday, April 15, 2011

WAA Podcast Episode 32: Let's Face It, Adventists Have a Prophet (54:00)

Was Ellen White a prophet?
Welcome to another podcast episode of “What’s an Adventist?

One of the most controversial issues within Adventism has to do with whether or not one of its founders was a prophet. But it shouldn't come as a surprise that people get fired up about this.

Prophets have always been the subjects of serious scrutiny, and rightly so. Jesus told his followers to be careful because there would be false prophets that would try to deceive them. The apostle John advises Christians to test the spirits to see if they are truly from God. So when one learns that Adventists believe that one of the founders of Adventism was a prophet, a healthy dose of skepticism is excatly what one needs.

This week Jesse Sias and WAA Contributor Roshan Mansinghani, begin a series of podcasts to confront the Adventist claim that God used a prophet to guide the Advent movement following the Great Disappointment of 1844. Who is this prophet, where did this person come from, and how can we trust this messenger? (click on title to listen to podcast).

Visit to learn more about Ellen G. White
If you would like to submit a question about Ellen G. White, please email us at or click on the "comment" link below. You can also join our facebook page and leave your comments. We will address your questions on upcoming podcasts. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Listen to other WAA podcasts with Roshan

WAA Podcast 24: Does God Speak?
WAA Podcast 14: Roshan Finds an Anchor for the Soul

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