Saturday, October 2, 2010

WAA Podcast Episode 15: On the Road to Discipleship (44:31)

Welcome back to another podcast episode of "What's an Adventist?"

Adventists, like many other Christian groups, believe that the only way to share the gospel with others is through discipleship. Discipleship is all about partnering with other people in order to encourage them to follow Jesus.

For Tyler Bower discipleship has been a journey filled with many lessons and blessings. Tyler didn't grow up in an Adventist family, but when he invited Jesus into his life and became an Adventist he felt the Lord calling him to be a disciple and to encourage others to follow Jesus also. Tyler went into ministry and has now been an Adventist pastor for 10 years (Click on title to hear podcast).

This week Jesse Sias and Samuel Ikonne talk with Pastor Bower about how he became Adventist and about his journey to being a follower of Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Great topic guys, the three of you were a blessing. I think it was particularly insightful how today's population differs much from the population of the founders of the church and how that should inform how we reach out to the community.

    It would be interesting to see an integrated discipleship curriculum where the distinctive Adventist doctrines are taught in an organic manner as part of the discipleship relationship with Jesus.
