Saturday, September 18, 2010

WAA Podcast Episode 13: Do Adventists Drink? (42:03)

Welcome to another podcast episode of “What’s an Adventist?”

Adventists strive to live a life according to God’s principles as laid out in the Bible-not always an easy thing to do!

When it comes to drinking you may find that the majority of Adventists you meet have made a choice to abstain from consuming alcohol. Adventists are taught to avoid drinking because of the destructive nature of alcohol on the body, one’s personal spirituality, and society. However, while the majority of Adventists agree on the practical benefits of not drinking, some Adventists believe that it’s ok to drink so long as one doesn’t go overboard. Still other Adventists go as far as to say that the Bible is ambiguous on this issue and it’s alright to drink so long as the person is a “smart drinker”. (Click on title to hear podcast)

This week, Jesse Sias and Samuel Ikonne talk about what the Bible has to say about alcohol and how it relates to the Adventist and Christian way of life.

For more on the article mentioned in this podcast regarding alcohol and the Bible click here

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