Monday, February 25, 2013

WAA Podcast Episode 71: The Commandments of Love (49:57)

Are God's commandments just rules or acts of love?
Image from Google Images
Welcome to another podcast episode of "What's an Adventist?"

One of the most iconic laws in history are the Ten Commandments. Although written thousands of years ago, in supernatural fashion, they have transcended time and cultures. Many consider the Ten Commandments to be the highest standard of both spiritual and moral living. What is it about the Ten Commandments that make them so special? Are they just a bunch of rules or do they teach us a more profound truth about ourselves and God?

Adventists believe the Ten Commandments are still relevant today and still make it a point to teach and keep all ten as they are outlined in the book of Exodus. Adventists are sometimes accused of practicing and encouraging legalism, but this is far from the truth.

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This week Jesse and Abraham talk about the truths behing the Ten Commandments and the reason God has preserved these laws for us today. 

If you would like to comment on this podcast, click on the comment link below. You can also contact us at or join our WAA facebook fan page at

Thank you for listening, God bless!

Click here for a study on the Ten Commandments, "The Law and the Gospel" (Bible Research Institute)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

WAA Podcast Episode 70: H-E-Double Hockey Sticks (59:13)

Is hell a real place where bad people are tortured forever?
Image from Google images

Welcome to another podcast episode of “What’s an Adventist?” 

The idea of hell has been around for a very long time. The Greek philosopher, Socrates, taught that hell was a place of eternal torment although he acknowledged it was a fictitious idea. Over time the idea of hell and eternal torment became very literal and was used as a tactic to scare people into being saved. In some cases people even gave up their own possessions and dignity to avoid the fire and brimstone.  

Today, there are still many Christians who believe hell is a real place where bad people go to be forever tormented by Satan. Many believe this is divine justice and many still use this idea to prompt people to seek salvation. Unfortunately, these ideas do more damage than good when it comes to helping people understand the God of the Bible. How can a loving and just God allow people to burn and be tormented forever? 

An early Adventist author wrote, “How repugnant to every emotion of love and mercy, and even to our sense of justice, is the doctrine that the wicked dead are tormented with fire and brimstone in an eternally burning hell; that for the sins of a brief earthly life they are to suffer torture as long as God shall live.” While Adventists believe in a real hell, it has very little in common with the popular ideas most people have grown up hearing and believing. 

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This week Jesse Sias and Abraham Miranda talk about what the Bible has to say about hell and help clear up any misconceptions and distortions about one of the most threatening teachings in the Bible. 

If you would like to comment on this podcast, click the “comment” link below. You can also contact us at or join our WAA fan page on facebook at

Thank you for listening and God bless!

Study mentioned in this podcast:

"Watch Out for Hell", Biblical Research Institute

Saturday, February 2, 2013

WAA Podcast Episode 69: Are These the Last Days of the Last Days? (51:00)

"Last Day Events" by Ellen White provides
an insightful commentary on the events
 leading up to the Second Coming
-Image from Google Images

Welcome to our first WAA podcast of 2013!

The study of last day events. also called eschatology, has always been a part of the Adventist identity. Regarding the last days and Christ's second coming, Ellen White counseled, "Great pains should be taken to keep this subject before the people." Within Adventism there has always been an earnest interest in last day events and as with other Biblical doctrines the study of eschatology can be misconstrued and abused. But when studied carefully and prayerfully, eschatology reveals God's faithfulness through difficult times, the magnitude of His divine will, and shows us how He will carry out His ultimate judgements. 

For some Christians, including Adventists, eschatology has become too much of a mystery or a complex puzzle. An attitude is emerging within the church suggesting since last day events are complex, hard to understand or just plain weird, it may be time to move on, focus on the gospel message alone and not worry about the "last days."

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This week Jesse Sias and Abraham Miranda talk about the emerging attitudes surrounding eschatology within Adventism,  provide a brief commentary about Christian attitudes towards violence, and share our WAA fans home remedies for the flu (or vampire bites). Try these remedies at your own risk!

If you would like to comment on this podcast, please click on the "comment" link below. You can also contact us at or join our WAA community on facebook at

Thank you for listening! God bless!

Articles mentioned in this podcast:

Resurrecting an Old Adventist Teaching, Spectrum Magazine