Tuesday, March 22, 2011

WAA Podcast Episode 30: Daughters of Thunder (58:45)

Welcome to another podcast episode of “What’s an Adventist?”

Before John became a follower of Jesus, he and his brother James were called “Sons of Thunder” because of their reputation for being hot tempered. But after three and a half years with Jesus John’s life would never be the same. The “Son of Thunder” came to be John the beloved. Does knowing Jesus have the same effect on people today?

This week Jesse Sias talks with Monica and Michelle Gutierrez about how their encounter with Jesus changed them from being the “Daughters of Thunder” to being passionate about their love for Jesus.

If you would like to comment on this podcast, click on the “comment” link below. You can also reach us at whatsanadventist@hotmail.com. Dont forget to follow us on facebook and join future discussions.

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