Friday, March 4, 2011

WAA Podcast Episode 28: Is Your Adventist Church Really Ok? (52:31)


You might think your Adventist church is doing well because it seems to be “fitting in.” But a recent study showed that “fitting in” may not be all it’s cracked up to be. The Barna Group, a research firm that tracks the role of faith and religion in America, conducted a 2010 study that identified six “megathemes” indicating patterns that shape the Christian Church in America. What this study reveals may have tremendous implications for not just Christian churches in general, but for the Adventist church as well (click on title to listen).

This week Jesse Sias and Samuel Ikonne break down these six themes and talk about the role Adventism might play in today’s religious world.

To read the entire article "Study: Why Your Church Is The Way It Is?" click here.

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